window mirror...

I wanted to show off a gift that I received many years ago from my father-in-law. He knew I always wanted a window mirror, but the nice ones were out of our price range at the time. So, when they redid the windows in their house he saved one and made me my very own.


If I am not mistaken, it is their old bathroom window. I just love it!!!

He had 6 pieces of mirror cut to fit, added the shelf at the bottom, and painted it all to match. The glassware that sits on the shelf was in my in-laws front window for years and when they "down-sized" they gave it to us.

My father-in-law is no longer with us, but I still think of him all the time (and how much he would have loved his grandson - who he never got to meet). Everytime I look at the mirror, I can't help but smile thinking that "Papa" made it for me. Gosh - this post sure got mushy!
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