let's go out for dinner...

Call it mid-week laziness... but we decided we were not in the mood to cook tonight. So we went into our drawer of gift certificates (yes, we have a drawer of gift certificates - my husband IS a teacher and they are very popular, VERY appreciated gifts) and chose a restaurant that I even had a coupon for! Double Joy!!!

After our yummy dinner... I needed to tear the coupon off to give it to the waitress. I did an embarassingly horrible job. You see, I have never been that person who can tear neatly. I always end up ripping it in half or something. Well, my husand said "I am so sure you'll never post about this in your blog". I so can't turn down a dare. Hello, I am the woman who posted a picture of her toilet! So Andrew, here it is... proof of my lousy tearing skills!

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