mother's day gifts...
Then my dear husband, Andrew (a junior kindergarten teacher), came home from school with this idea from a parent.... First, get a jillion of those little plastic circle beads and forms to put them on. Decide on cute shapes, lay them out, put the pressing paper on top, and iron them so they melt together. The flip the shapes over and iron the other side. Then you simply put a jump ring through one of the holes and attach earring findings. We made lots of daisy earrings and some other shapes too (but, daisies were the favorite). I had Molly write here name on a piece of cardstock, wrote the word "Originals" under her name, an put the earrings on the cards. I saw my Mom tonight and she just loved hers, I am sure they will be as well received with her other Grandma tomorrow.
So to all you Mom's out there... Happy Mother's Day! I hope that you all have a day with no sibling fights and lots of hugs and kisses.