we got Annie...

After a long weekend of auditions (and MANY laughs with new and old friends), I have finally finished the cast list. In the end, I am really happy with all of the choices and am looking forward to spending my summer in a cold NYC winter during the Great Depression.

We decided to double-cast every orphan part. This gives every girl a chance to shine and I couldn't be happier about it. It also means we have two Annies. The two girls have worked together before in the Sound of Music and both have a great outlook about getting to share this special role.

Why the cake? Well, it turns out "I got Annie!" (to quote Grace Farrell and Oliver Warbucks). That's right, my daughter will be Annie for 3 of the 6 performances and I couldn't be prouder of her.

The night I posted the cast list (http://www.stthomasplayers.com/), I picked up this cake and called my parents and asked them to tell her that she got the part. Molly always enjoys talking to her Grandparents on the phone and teasing with them about everything! So when her Grandma and Grandpa told her she got the part of Annie - her first response was "you're making that up", which turned into her saying "really?" about 20 times, and finally screams of joy as I brought the cake out.

She then called her friend who will also be Annie and they had a conversation which most of could only be heard by neighborhood dogs.

Working with all these girls this summer - I am going to need earplugs, but I can't wait!
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