Flower Cupcakes...

My mother-in-law made the most adorable cupcakes for Easter and I just had to share them
(1. because they were WAY cute, and 2. because I didn't do anything that interesting for this holiday).

She did get the idea from a magazine (sorry, I don't know which one) but here is the basic idea.

1. Make your favorite very yummy cupcakes.
2. Make Rice Krispie treats in a pan.
3. Frost your cupcakes and add died coconut (green, of course).
4. Cut flower shapes out of your Rice Krispie treats (I have heard that if you spray your cookie cutter first with a non-stick spray - it will work much easier).
5. Put your flowers on lollipop sticks (can be found at craft stores).
6. Attach colorful m&ms, jordan almonds, gum drops, etc. with a dab of frosting to decorate your flowers (see picture above).
7. You can add a spearmint leave as decoration, as well.

These were a huge hit. My mother-in-law did say that it was a little time-consuming to make them (but we all thought it was WELL worth the effort)!
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