blogday 2008...

Okay, don't get over-excited. I know two posts in one day is almost unheard of. But, I just realized today is Blog Day 2008. According to The Marketing Minutes' Drew McLellan today is the day to...

to get bloggers all over the world to, as the official site says, "on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs."

So here is my list of blogs for everyone to check out...

1. The Marketing Minutes - because marketing is my life!
2. The Crafty Chica - because anyone who wants to cover the world in glitter is okay by my book!
3. Tip Junkie - because this woman is amazing! She finds the greatest blogs around the net.
4. Today's Creative Blog - because this woman works tirelessly to give us new ideas regularly (even when people aren't so nice to her!)
5. It's the little things... - because this woman is the mom I strive to be. She handles the hardships of motherhood (with an able-bodied child and special needs child) with grace and honesty. Above all that, Lisa Leonard is an INCREDIBLY talented woman! Her jewelry is amazing. PLEASE, go check out her blog.

Those are my five picks... now it is up to you! Go out and find five new blogs that make you smile!


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