it's all over...

Wow!  Time has flown by since my last post over here.  Andrew is loving working at camp this summer (and the kids LOVE attending). 

This weekend we performed Annie for the last time.  It was a wild ride all summer - double cast of orphans = really noisy rehearsals, a dog that pulled through for us at the last minute, all sorts of drama on stage and off and it all equaled more fun than I could possibly put into words. 

Saying good-by to this show was strange for me in a lot of ways.  For the first time, I wasn't sad when it was over.  I really think I felt a lot of guilt over that.  I should have been sad.  After all, Andrew and Molly played the leads, Matt finally joined the chorus, I got much closer to friends, and I love actually putting these shows together.  Why didn't I cry at the end?

I now think it is because I know - this isn't the end.  When Sound of Music ended, I worried they would never let me do this again.  When The Music Man ended, I worried I would never speak to all those new friends again.  Now, with two years under my belt - I know that I will do this again and my friends will be there for me when I do. 

Now that I have said this, double-casting Annie (and the orphans) brought many challenges that I don't think I will ever want to live through again - and both Annies/sets of orphans were wonderful!  BUT - my Molly as Annie - it truly made my heart sing to be able to give her that experience.  The first night she was Annie - she was SO nervous, I wanted to be sick for her.  But, two or three scenes in she found her way and immediately everyone in the audience knew - this kid was having a good time.  By her third night on-stage, she was unstoppable.  I really couldn't have been any prouder of her.  I am so glad I could be a part of it. 

Now that it is all over, I really do hope to be posting more.  Talk soon!


manjari said…
kid is soooo cute


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