Mattisms (just from this weekend)...
According to Matt, a tornado is... when a big drill comes into the ground, then twists a lot, and then makes a giant hole.
Matt: Dad, who was I named after?
Andrew: Your middle name is the same as my Dad's middle name.
Matt: I know that, who did you name me Matthew after.
Andrew: One of Jesus's friends.
Matt: Which one?
Andrew: Matthew.
Matt: Oh, okay.
Molly: I want to go to Washington DC this summer.
Matt: Not me, I want to go to Washington BC.
In a moment of exasperation...
Matt: For goodness snakes!
Our neighbor put a large wooden cut out of Cap't. Jack in their front yard (to celebrate their daughter's high school graduation)...
Matt: "Mom, can we put a Peter Pan in our yard. That way everyone will know that they are safe. Peter Pan will protect us!"