Pizza Kabobs...

While looking for something different to bring to a 4th of July party... my husband remembered these great snacks one mom from his class brought in.


Want to know what they are made of...

We used sliced italian bread, grape tomatoes (cut in half), mozarella (cut in half), basil leaves (torn in smallish pieces), and olives. We came up with what we thought was the best mixture of the foods (tomato, basil, cheese, bread, olive, pepperoni, bread, tomato, basil, cheese, pepperoni, bread) and started putting them on skewers. We then placed them on a tray and drizzled olive oil over them... YUMMY!!!! One of the BEST parts of this project was the fact it was so easy my 9 year old had no trouble helping out.

What to do with all the left over bits (once you run out of bread), make a Pasta Salad!


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