Hamden tree lighting...
It was FREEZING outside today! So, of course, we went to an outdoor festival. Hamden Arts Commission put on a cute little fair for the annual tree lighting. We did arts and crafts (gratefully in a tent that kept the kids out of the wind), we rode the carousel (and by we I mean Andrew and the kids, I was cold enough without spinning), and waited for Santa.

While waiting, the kids and Andrew decided it would be way more fun to get some hot cocoa. With the unanimous decision made... we headed off to the heated diner for dinner. We did drive back by the tree to see it all lit and it looked beautiful from our nice warm car.

While waiting, the kids and Andrew decided it would be way more fun to get some hot cocoa. With the unanimous decision made... we headed off to the heated diner for dinner. We did drive back by the tree to see it all lit and it looked beautiful from our nice warm car.