dollhouse - a work in progress...

This dollhouse kit was a mother's day gift from the kids. I have had very little time to work on it - therefore, it sits half-finished in my dining room. This gift was supposed to be something my daughter and I worked on together. But then IT happened. You know, IT, when you decide that only you can complete the project perfectly and you stress over each and every thing you do - hoping to achieve some sort of perfection.
Tonight, I came into the dining room becauase I heard my son acting out a typical family dinner in my house (and I was laughing at how well he had me pegged "sit down and finish your dinner or no one gets dessert"). When I saw him playing in "MY" dollhouse.
My first reaction was to yell at him to drop the people and back away slowly... then it dawned on me... this was supposed to be a family project and I was hogging it. So, I backed away and didn't say anything (he played there for another 30 minutes). My daughter and I will finish this project together... and I will try not to be a perfectionist (really I will).