Mom, could you make my friends something...
My precious daughter came home from school this week with a handful of letters from her second grade's "post office". It was painfully obvious that the teacher had told them to write somthing nice about the person they were writing too and then ask them a question. I know this because ALL of the letters were written this way.

It was still very cute to see things written like "you are so good at math" or "you are very funny" or my personal favorite "you keep your desk very clean". The questions are another matter. Several of my daughter's girlfriends have asked Molly - if she could ask me to make them some barrette's like the one's I make for her.
Molly doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings so she asked (okay, begged) me to help her out. So this weekend, I have been working on these...

A couple pieces of ribbon, a barrette, and a needle and thread - 10 minutes later, you have a cute litle barrette.