Where have I been, you ask...
Boy, time just flies by - doesn't it?
I could give a hundred excuses as to why I have posted in a month and was planning to... but then I thought back to my New Year's Non-Resolution and called a do-over. I am promising myself that I really will try to keep up the regular posting - but promise not to beat my self up over it.
Work has been crazy, busy (no that is not an excuse) and I have been having a great time with it. Since posting last, I went to Boston again (overnight) then got to spend a week in California. I had never been there before and all I could say was WOW! You Californians have one beautiful state!
Now those of you who know me, know I have a (somewhat unhealthy) obsession with all things Disney. Well, never having been to California before (and not being exactly sure where I was going) I mapquested from my hotel to Disneyland (I could find that on any map). Sure enough, my hotel was 9.36 miles from the gates of the Happiest Place on Earth.
Now those of you who know my boss, know he is anti-"Mouse". So after much begging, he promised to at least drive-by Disneyland - so I could at least see it. I was convinced that was as good as it was going to get with him.
However, once in California - David handed me an envelope with some cash for the day and said "Have fun in Disneyland - be back for dinner." I totally freaked out! I truly work for some great people. So here are some pictures from the day. I was a total 2-yar old running around the park and loving EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!

Should I be offended by the resemblance?
The rest of the trip was great too! Even tried some raw sushi (after a "few" glasses of wine)! However, nothing beats standing in front of the Haunted Mansion, calling home to your 7 year-old and saying "Guess where Mommy is right now..." (insert evil laugh here)
Boy, time just flies by - doesn't it?
I could give a hundred excuses as to why I have posted in a month and was planning to... but then I thought back to my New Year's Non-Resolution and called a do-over. I am promising myself that I really will try to keep up the regular posting - but promise not to beat my self up over it.
Work has been crazy, busy (no that is not an excuse) and I have been having a great time with it. Since posting last, I went to Boston again (overnight) then got to spend a week in California. I had never been there before and all I could say was WOW! You Californians have one beautiful state!
Now those of you who know me, know I have a (somewhat unhealthy) obsession with all things Disney. Well, never having been to California before (and not being exactly sure where I was going) I mapquested from my hotel to Disneyland (I could find that on any map). Sure enough, my hotel was 9.36 miles from the gates of the Happiest Place on Earth.
Now those of you who know my boss, know he is anti-"Mouse". So after much begging, he promised to at least drive-by Disneyland - so I could at least see it. I was convinced that was as good as it was going to get with him.
However, once in California - David handed me an envelope with some cash for the day and said "Have fun in Disneyland - be back for dinner." I totally freaked out! I truly work for some great people. So here are some pictures from the day. I was a total 2-yar old running around the park and loving EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!

Should I be offended by the resemblance?
The rest of the trip was great too! Even tried some raw sushi (after a "few" glasses of wine)! However, nothing beats standing in front of the Haunted Mansion, calling home to your 7 year-old and saying "Guess where Mommy is right now..." (insert evil laugh here)